My brother-in-law finally has his fingerless gloves, and just in time for the winter to almost be completely over. He really likes them, but won't wear them to work (which is why I made them for him in the first place, ironically!!) ... he's afraid of ruining them. Hand knits are great because there are always more to be made and give away.
In many ways knitting has fulfilled the spirit of generosity within me, but there just never seems to be enough time each day to devote to making things for others ... you know with life and all getting in the way ... but I find myself falling asleep at night thinking about what projects I have, or my new-found love for entrelac and what colors I will be able to work with next. I think it's gone from love to obsession to disease. There are times when I just want to stop and do something else, but something compels me to keep coming back. I'll see a baby who needs a burp cloth, a mother-to-be and want to make a cozy blanket for her new child, or someone who looks like they need a scarf.
Or ... my sister who keeps reminding me that I have yet to make her the scarf that I have been promising her for over a year. Sorry Sis, but I promised you pics of the scarf I'm working on for you. It might be hard to see what it's going to look like finished since it's still in its beginning stages, but let me know what you think. ;)